gas reductor

Argon liquid and gaseous

Argon — an element of the main subgroup of the eighth group of the third period the periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 18. The symbol Ar (lat. Argon). The third most abundant element in the earth’s atmosphere (after nitrogen and oxygen) — 0,93 % by volume. Simple substance argon (CAS-nomer: 7440-37-1) — inert monatomic gas without color, taste and smell.


In industry, argon is produced as a by-product of large scale separation of air into oxygen and nitrogen. At a temperature of -185,9°C argon condenseries, when -189,4 °C — crystalizes.


  1. the high price of gas (you need a separate system for argon)
  2. there is a risk to mix up a tank of argon and pony-tank  (both yellow in colour)

Argon content in high concentrations in the inhaled air can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and death from asphyxia (as a result of oxygen starvation).